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Sandwich & Stella

Sandwich & Stella

Sandwich & Stella

Best buds and bathophobes

These two are best buddies who go together like baguettes and brie, but they are definitely not the same dog.

Sandwich is an early-riser, ready right after breakfast to head to the beach where he likes to pass the time dragging large rocks and other useless objects out of the water. Sometimes he mistakes a bull kelp for a floating tennis ball, and he will drag the whole thing—30-foot tail and all— onto the beach before he realizes his mistake.

Stella is the last one up every in the morning, and she likes to go back to bed after breakfast for her first nap of the day. Although she has to be coaxed out for a walk, once she gets going, she’s a bundle of energy. She loves Sandwich, but secretly thinks dragging stuff out of the water is a ridiculous pastime.

They both love swimming but loathe getting a bath. The sight of water coming out of a tap just gives them the creeps.

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog