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Miss Betty

Miss Betty

Miss Betty

Laughs at her own jokes

Because Betty is sweet-tempered and completely deaf, people who don’t know her will sometimes assume she’s a bimbo. Nothing could be further from the truth. She knows ASL, she can probably lip-read, and she will anticipate your next move before you have a chance to make it. She also doesn’t seem to miss the sound of all of us trying to talk at the same time.

Although she’s always smiling, she does have a devious side. She loves to smuggle rocks from the beach into the house, but when you give her the sign for “What’s in your mouth?” she gives you a look that says, Well, it’s not a rock, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

She’s smart, she farts, she loves Champagne, and she enjoys belching. She’s a mixed bag of beautiful, bodacious energy.

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog