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You drive; I’ll sing.

Bred as a hunting dog, Piper instinctively points at any sticks or tennis balls he sees, just in case some human might be interested in knowing that they’re there. He has a large vocabulary, he can read facial expressions, and he thumps his tail whenever he hears anyone mention his name. If he senses that he will not be invited along on an outing, he barks and hops up and down to see if he can change your mind. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Piper is a lover, not a fighter; he doesn’t have a competitive bone in his body. If another dog grabs a stick first, he is very gracious about letting them have it. There's always another stick somewhere. His favorite pastime is getting chauffeured around in his Mini Cooper convertible with the top down while wearing his racing goggles. Yeah, he’s as cool as he looks.

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog