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Bug off.

Princess Leia is half Pug and half Boston terrier, which makes her officially a Bug. But whatever her heritage, she was born to nap, and she does it with skill and dedication. Her superpower is snoring loudly and at length, which would be annoying if it wasn’t also a very effective burglar deterrent.

When she’s not sleeping or snoring, Leia loves kayaking, hiking, and exploring the beach. When she’s bored, she likes to chase flying insects. Sometimes she chases dust motes that she thinks are insects, but nobody’s perfect. Not even Leia.

Although she’s a complete sweetheart, Leia has one of those faces that might make you think she’s ticked off about something. Or that she’s thinking you need to step up your game. Or get off her lawn. And maybe she is, but she’s not the type to say anything about it. She is more empathetic than judgmental. In another life she was probably a registered nurse or a therapist, dispensing lots of tea and sympathy. And maybe, just occasionally, an eloquent eyeroll.

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog