Birdie & Whitman
Birdie & Whitman
Watch for their upcoming detective series.
Birdie is a food fanatic, although she leans vegetarian. Known on the island as Broccoli Dog, she lives for produce scraps. No food-prep sounds elude her finely tuned senses; she can hear the vegetable peeler being taken out of the drawer from across the road.
Whitman, a gentleman of mixed provenance, takes life at a slower pace, as befits his age and dignified demeanor. In spite of his short legs, he loved chasing tennis balls in his youth. But now he can more often be found napping with one in his mouth, and dreaming about poetry.
When Birdie retires from her position as head of security at Frogsong Farm, she and Whitman plan to start a canine detective agency. Together, they will travel the island in their beloved campervan, with Birdie in the front keeping an eye out for clues, and Whitman in the back, devouring books on forensics.