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Nobody beaches better than Grover.

Anyone who believes that looks aren’t everything hasn’t seen Grover. Fortunately, he’s as charming as he is handsome, which is a quality that comes in handy when you’re in the habit of getting people out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to take you for a run. Hey, nobody’s perfect. Not even Grover.

Grover is basically Ken. He has a bunch of canine buddies and he likes to hang out with them at the beach. He has a large collection of stuffed animals who all adore him, even when he chews on them. In short, he’s wonderful, his life is perfect, and he knows it. If he had the chance to come back in the next life, he’d come back as himself. Wouldn’t you?

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog