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Detects treat wrappers at 100 yards.

Ruby loves to explore, jumping up on rocks, ledges, or fallen trees on the beach, walking along their entire length before hopping off. Although not a big swimmer, she does enjoy putting her nose in the water and blowing bubbles.

If Ruby were human, she’d be a politician because she’s very good at schmoozing and working out the best deal for herself. She is a leaner who likes to press against your legs for attention. She'll even push other dogs out of the way with a gentle head nudge to get into the prime position in case there’s a treat on offer. If you want to get her attention, just crinkle a plastic treat bag, and no matter how far away she is, she’ll be there in a nanosecond.

Photography: Michael Hilliard, Writing: Kathleen Cain, Project Management: Karin Mellskog